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Алтайский государственный педагогический университет

Brief information about the educational organization :

Pedagogical University provides education system of the city and the edge of specialists of different profiles, by training teachers, educators, psychologists, speech therapists, teachers of additional education. In addition, AltGPU accumulates the potential development of the region, forming the edge of teachers in schools designed to promote cultural and educational foundation of society, to train and educate future engineers, doctors, cultural workers.

Now more than six thousand students are studying at AltSPU . Professional training at the university is carried out according to educational programs of the bachelor's degree program . AltGPU regularly open new specialties that meet the requirements of the times and society: "Organization of work with youth", "Physical Culture" (coach), "Russian language and literature in the work with children with disabilities" and others. The Pedagogical University is one of the few universities in the region , where the number of budget-funded places not only remains at a stable level , but also increases , which , of course , attracts applicants .

Along with teaching areas are implemented humanitarian programs, social cycles, in the field of economics and management, art and culture, service, computer science and computer engineering.

In AltGPU are two dissertation councils: dissertation council on specialty «General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education (pedagogical sciences)", "Theory and Methods of Professional Education (pedagogical sciences)" and the board "Germanic languages", which is the only of its kind in the territory Siberian and Far Eastern federal districts .

  • Barnaul

    Ulitsa Molodezhnaya,55, 656031, Barnaul

    Алтайский государственный педагогический университет