M.Sc. in Hydrology & Water Quality
2 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Oct 2024
ILS 17,329 / per year *
* varies according to CPI index
Drylands occupy more than one-third of the earth's land surface, including most of the Middle East and Israel. Dwindling water supplies and deteriorating water quality impede the sustainable development of drylands and the well-being of their growing population. The aim of this program is to introduce students to cutting-edge research and graduate education in water sciences, aimed at improving human life in drylands through technologies and policies for the sustainable use of water resources
The program offers the following tracks of study:
- Water Resources
- Desalination and Water Treatment
- Microbiology and Water Quality
The M.Sc. program offers a thesis (research) track.
Scholarships and Funding
Several scholarship options are available. Please check the university website for more information.
Supplementary Courses:
- General Chemistry B
- Introduction to Analytic Chemistry B
- Mathematics of Systems 2
- Physics 1 for Life Science and Geology
- Introduction to Physical Chemistry 1
- Introduction to Probability B
- Introduction to Statistics B
- General Chemistry Laboratory
- Physics 2 for Life Science and Geology
Additional supplementary courses
- Hydrogeology
- Geology of Israel
- Introduction to Organic Chemistry
- Introduction to Physical Chemistry 2
Program Outcome
The goal of the curriculum:
- Training skilled professionals for the fields of hydrology, water treatment, and desalination.
- Preparing skilled professionals for the fields of hydrology, water treatment and desalination (including: water production, estimation of surface and underground water and solute movement, chemical and biochemical evaluation of underground water and contaminants, operations research and optimization of water systems and more).
- To provide students with a strong background in fundamental and applied aspects of physical, chemical and microbiological processes in aquatic environment and creating unique capabilities for addressing future needs of society.
- Bestowing knowledge in the subjects of flow and transport processes of water, solutes, and solids and separate phases in soil-water, in ground-water and in surface water.
- Provide knowledge in the subjects of water and wastewater treatment, including biological treatments, physicochemical treatments and desalination processes.
- In particular, intensifying and expanding the study of membrane technologies related to desalination methods and waste water treatment processes.
- To prepare students for PhD studies in water related programs
- To take advantage of ZIWR strengths in both engineering and hydrological & microbiological sciences to professionally prepare individuals to succeed in multidisciplinary, team-oriented environments.
Goal of the curriculum:
- Training skilled professionals for the fields of hydrology, water treatment and desalination.
- Preparing skilled professionals for the fields of hydrology, water treatment and desalination (including: water production, estimation of surface and underground water and solute movement, chemical and biochemical evaluation of underground water and contaminants, operations research and optimization of water systems and more).
- To provide students with a strong background in fundamental and applied aspects of physical, chemical and microbiological processes in aquatic environment and creating unique capabilities for addressing future needs of society.
- Bestowing knowledge in the subjects of flow and transport processes of water, solutes, and solids and separate phases in soil-water, in ground-water and in surface water.
- Provide knowledge in the subjects of water and wastewater treatment, including biological treatments, physicochemical treatments and desalination processes.
- In particular, intensifying and expanding the study of membrane technologies related to desalination methods and waste water treatment processes.
- To prepare students for PhD studies in water related programs
- To take advantage of ZIWR strengths in both engineering and hydrological & microbiological sciences to professionally prepare individuals to succeed in multidisciplinary, team-oriented environments.