Master DREAM (European Master in Dynamics of renewable-based power systems)
Nantes, France
2 Years
Full time
31 Jan 2025*
Sep 2025
EUR 18,000 / per year **
* Self funded deadline is May 31 2024 for non EU students https://master-dream.ec-nantes.fr/admission/students/deadlines
** for non-European students and 9000 EUR for European students//Erasmus Mundus and Consortium scholarships available
The Joint Master's program DREAM has been successfully selected under the European Programmes of Excellence: through the Erasmus Mundus Programme.
The European Master in Dynamics of Renewables-based Power Systems (DREAM) is a 2-year Master's programme that offers multidisciplinary education in the modern power systems field delivered by 4 partner institutions sharing a common vision and expertise on power systems
- Centrale Nantes, France
- Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
- Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, Germany
- Universitatea Nationala de Stiinta si Tehnologie Politehnica Bucuresti, Romania
It trains students to tackle the current and future challenges of smart power systems in a new way. Therefore, core knowledge from the fields of Power Systems, Smart Grids, Renewable Generation, Automatic Control and Power Electronics is combined to give the students the opportunity to acquire a global “system view” of the dynamics of next generation power systems.
DREAM aims to promote a more integrated way of thinking in order to prepare multidisciplinary specialists trained for the new jobs and challenges of future power systems.
Mobility Scheme
The program of study lasts 2 academic years (120 ECTS) split into four equally loaded semesters.
DREAM student mobility paths will take place in minimum 2 EU countries, and possibly in 3 EU countries for the first 3 semesters.
For the 4th semester, the DREAM students may move to partner countries considering the EACEA regulations for Erasmus Mundus scholarship holders or to an industrial partner is possible.
First semester (30 ECTS) in Centrale Nantes
During the first semester, students will get background notions in the disciplines needed to tackle the challenges of future power systems:
- power systems
- automatic control
- power electronics
Second Semester (30 ECTS) in one of the Partner institution
In the second semester students willr eceive a common kernel of classes in one of the 3 others institutions of the Consortium (HTW, UPC and UNSTPB) on smart grids, RES and power electronics used for RES integration to the grids.
Third Semester (30 ECTS) in any of the 4 Partner institutions
During the third Semester, more specialized courses are proposed. The program of this semester is based on the specific research strengths of the partner institutions (thus varying from partner to partner):
- Dynamics and control of powser grids (ECN)
- Control of RES (HTW)
- Integration of power electronics in future power systems (UPC)
- Smart grids (UNSTPB)
Fourth semester (30 ECTS)
The fourth semester is devoted to the Master Thesis. Other mobility can take place during this last semester to and associated industrial or academic partners of the Consortium.
Each student is jointly supervised by two advisors from two different institutions. The research topic can be supervised and located in the R&D department of an industrial institution.
Program Outcome
Skills Developed
- Simulate and optimize composite mechanical design and manufacturing using numerical tools
- Model materials’ behavior and physics involved in composite processes
- Characterize and manufacture composite materials
In addition, to the above specialism-specific skills, students will also develop more general skills:
- Identify models, perform simulation and analyze results
- Communicate comprehensive results in a meaningful way
- Undertake bibliographic surveys of international research and professional literature
- Manage or be part of a project
Scholarships and Funding
Erasmus+ EMJM Scholarships are available and can be offered to students from any region of the world.
They include:
- Contribution to participation costs
- Contribution to travel and installation costs
- Contribution to subsistence costs
Consortium scholarships are also available for students applying as self-funded, as a reduction of tuition fees.
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
Prospects for employment or further study
- Sectors: Aeronautics, Automotive, Transportation, Wind, and Marine Energy, Materials Producers, Consulting.
- Fields: Mechanical Engineering, Design, Materials, Advanced Processes, Manufacturing, Research, and Innovation.
- Positions: Mechanical Engineer, Process Engineer, Design Engineer, Research and Innovation Engineer (post Ph.D.), Consultant.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.