Grande École Programme
Paris, France
5 Years
English, French
Full time
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EUR 8,515 / per year *
* year 1; €9,075 per year - year 2&3; €9,575 per year - year 4&5
5-Year Grande École Programme
Become the Luxury Hotel Managers of the Future
The Grande École Programme at CMH prepares students for the RNCP level 7 certification of "Manager of a Luxury Establishment in the Hospitality Sector". It enables them to take a higher education course and set solid career goals by validating a set of professional skills specific to the hospitality and luxury market.
These skills for excellence and multidisciplinary education provided over 5 years by our school are the result of a teaching method with a focus on real-life work situations. The continuous improvement of our teaching relies on the creativity and innovation of our programs.
Our students are therefore trained for management positions in France and abroad.
- Length: 5 years
- Patterns: initial: 1st and 2nd year; initial or alternating pattern: from the 3rd year
Academic year start dates
- 1st year (initial pattern): Monday 4 October 2021
- 2nd year (initial pattern): Monday 11 October 2021
- 3rd year (initial and alternating pattern): Monday 25 October 2021
- 4th year (initial and alternating pattern): Tuesday 2 November 2021
- 5th year (initial and alternating pattern): Monday 8 November 2021
Required levels: Bac or equivalent level, Bac+1, Bac+2, Bac+3, Bac+4
- Parallel admissions: 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th year (conditions apply)
- Start of the academic year: October 2021 / November 2021
- Types of contracts available: Professional training contract / Apprenticeship contract / Work-study internship / Part-time fixed-term contract / Part-time permanent contract
- Internship periods: 20 to 26 months over 5 years
- Accessibility: course accessible to people with disabilities
Qualifications and Certifications
BAC+3 European Bachelor in hotel and tourism management
- Double diploma European bachelor in hotel and tourism management and Communication in hospitality and tourism
- The title "Communication Manager in Hospitality and Tourism" is registered in the RNCP Level 6 (Journal Officiel of 08/02/18). Acquisition of 180 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)
Double diploma European bachelor in hotel and tourism management and Middle management in hospitality "Operational Manager in the Hospitality, Tourism and Luxury Industry"
BAC+5 MBA international hospitality and luxury brand management
Title "Manager of a Luxury Establishment in the Hospitality Sector" registered in the RNCP Level 7 (Journal Officiel of 08/02/18). Acquisition of 300 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)
Post-diploma success and integration*
- RNCP Level 7 certification pass rate: 100%
- Graduate employment rate: 90% (9 months after graduation)
*source: graduate employment survey 2019-2020 – updated April 2021
PGE Year 1
Developing know-how and improving soft skills
- Discover the hospitality, tourism, and luxury market
- Understand the corporate environment and management
- Learn about the luxury industry's codes of excellence and soft skills
Academic Courses
- Hotel & hospitality management; Excellence & elegance; Luxury universe; Luxury brand management; Gastronomy and hospitality
- Modern languages: business English, Mandarin Chinese, Russian
Course Pattern
1 academic year of classes on the CMH Paris campus
Internship of at least 4 months.
International Focus
Study trip to Milan, Italy:
Visits to hospitality establishments and luxury brands, cultural visits, introduction to hospitality management
Professional Development
- Coaching by the Career Centre:
Personal development: Team-Building & Grooming methodology.
Development of career plans and support with finding internships.
- Work experience:
Internship. Masterclasses by expert trainers. Visits to establishments.
PGE Year 2
Be open to international and market trends
- Be informed of new trends and understand the changes in the international hotel industry
- Strengthen your skills in management and organizational behavior
- Integrate the marketing and communication strategies implemented by companies
- Master three foreign languages
Academic Courses
- Luxury public relations; Service excellence & business etiquette; Sales, supply chain & distribution; Innovation in hospitality; Revenue management; Trends in the luxury market
- Modern languages: business English, Mandarin Chinese, Russian
Course Pattern
1 academic semester of classes on the CMH Paris campus and 1 academic semester on the CMH London campus
Internship of at least 4 months.
International Focus
1 academic semester on the CMH London campus: lectures and masterclasses; visits to luxury hotels and establishments in London; meetings with managers of hospitality businesses
Professional Development
- Coaching by the Career Centre:
Creating career plans and support with finding internships.
- Work experience:
Internship. Masterclasses by expert trainers. Visits to establishments.
PGE Year 3
European Bachelor in Hotel and Tourism Management
Choose a specific career direction and manage a project
- Prepare for specialization in a sector: international hospitality chain, hospitality establishment, luxury or tourism brand
- Choose a career and set objectives
- Validate your professional experience
Academic Courses
- Luxury and hospitality entertainment; Human resources management; Events and communication; Project management; Career marketing plan, Business plan
- Creation of a business plan ("Hotel business plan competition") and viva in English.
- Modern languages: business English, Mandarin Chinese, Russian
Course Pattern
1 academic year of classes on the CMH Paris campus
Internship of at least 4 months.
International Focus
Seminar in Dubai, United Arab Emirates: Conferences, visits to hospitality establishments and luxury brands, cultural visits, meetings with professionals
Professional Development
- Coaching by the Career Centre:
Creating career plans and support with finding internships.
- Work experience:
Internship. Masterclasses by expert trainers. Workshops. Visits to establishments.
Diploma: "European Bachelor in hotel and tourism management"
Double Diploma with 2 possible options
- Communication in hospitality and tourism: Title "Communication Manager in Hospitality and Tourism". Certification registered in the RNCP, Level 6 (Journal Officiel of 08/02/18)
- Middle management in hospitality: Diploma "Operational Manager in the Hospitality, Tourism and Luxury Industry"
PGE Year 4
Define strategies and manage a team
- Create and manage a Business Plan
- Define strategies according to a set of specifications
- Lead a project and coordinate your team
- Show leadership and encourage the development
Academic Courses
- Global people management and HR; Luxury brand extension project; Hotel development and real estate; Digital project; Revenue management
- Modern languages: business English, Mandarin Chinese, Russian
Course Pattern
1 academic year of classes on the CMH Paris campus
Internship of at least 4 months.
International Focus
Seminar in Moscow, Russia: Conferences, visits to hospitality establishments and luxury brands, cultural visits, meetings with professionals
Professional Development
- Coaching by the Career Centre:
Networking and career planning support.
- Work experience:
Internship. Masterclasses by expert trainers. Workshops. Visits to establishments.
PGE Year 5
MBA International Hospitality and Luxury Brand Management
Become an expert and prepare for integration into a company
- Finalize and concretize your career goals
- Establish your expertise and gain all the skills and know-how of a manager
- Validate your managerial, theoretical, and professional experience
- Demonstrate an innovative, modern, and proactive attitude
Academic Courses
- Corporate social responsibility and sustainability; Luxury brand management and extension; Revenue management
- Modern languages: business English, Mandarin Chinese, Russian
- Professional research dissertation and viva in English
- Entrepreneurship
- Accounting & Finance
- Communication & Marketing
- Human resources
Course Pattern
1 academic year of classes on the CMH Paris campus
Internship of at least 4 months.
- Seminar in Shanghai, China:
Conferences, visits to hospitality establishments and luxury brands, cultural visits, meetings with professionals
Professional Development
- Coaching by the Career Centre:
Creating career plans and support with finding internships and jobs
- Work experience:
Internship. Masterclasses by expert trainers. Workshops. Visits to establishments.
- Diploma in "MBA international hospitality and luxury brand management"
- Title "Manager of a Luxury Establishment in the Hospitality Sector"
- Certification registered in the RNCP, Level 7 (Journal Officiel of 08/02/18)
- Recognition by an American body: Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP)
Tuition Fees
- Year 1: €8,500
- Year 2/3: €9,060 (excluding optional curriculum)
- Year 4/5: €9,060
Financial aid, part-time work. The CMH aims to make admission possible for all students, either by alternating between work and study in partnership with a company or by carrying out course-related assignments in agreement with the host company.
Student fees may be financed in their entirety by student bank loans.
The schedule allows students to combine paid employment with their studies.
Application Process
- Download and fill in the Postgraduate application form.
- Get the following documents ready: CV, cover letter, diploma, and copy of your passport.
- Send the postgraduate form and all the documents to us by email.
- Once your application form is received, we will arrange an online interview.
- If your interview is successful and you are accepted onto our Postgraduate Programme, we will send you an offer letter.
- You will later receive your student contract and the required financial documentation that you must fill out and submit to us. After having done so, you will receive your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) by mail. You will be able to use this CoE as proof of your plans to study in Europe.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.