Master in Marketing Management and Responsible International Trade
Madrid, Spain
9 up to 12 Years
Part time
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EUR 900 / per course *
Blended, Distance Learning, On-Campus
* €7,920 weekly face-to-face, €5,985 biweekly face-to-face, €4,365 online.
Our Master in Marketing Management and Responsible International Trade is a unique, truly transformative and innovative program of excellence to fully develop your talents and abilities for the conscious management of companies and organizations.
- Modalities: face-to-face, biweekly, online
- Calls: October and February
- Duration: 9 months or 72 ECTS
Why take a master in CMI
- The current challenges require different and effective solutions to restore the balance that society and nature demand from companies and organizations.
- To grow as a leader, manager and as a person, promoting personal development.
- To become a conscious leader and acquire the skills of responsible management and administration of companies and organizations.
- To obtain a global vision that allows us to successfully face the resolution of the complex problems faced by leaders at an international level.
- To acquire the latest knowledge and technological advances in the digital era.
- To create and manage your own company from scratch, with the support of the CMI Startup Area.
- To be part of the WCC community, fully committed to its integral development and to provide you with the best services and advantages of our Institution.
Scholarships and Funding
Financing and Discounts
CMI offers customized financing services to adapt to the needs of students who require it. It also offers discounts for groups .
Through its Universal Foundation, CMI grants Study Scholarships for Master's Programs in CSR and Sustainability in all its modalities. The Scholarships cover 50% of the price of each program and are aimed at students with an academic record of excellence , functional diversity , or coming from countries with emerging economies .
There are also scholarships for recent graduates, with professional experience in NGOs , volunteers or unemployed people.
Career Opportunities
Professional Practices in Companies
CMI offers interested students the possibility of carrying out Professional Practices in Companies as part of their Master's Final Project or in addition to it.
The duration of the internship is 150 hours, with an equivalent of 6 ECTS.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.