M.Sc. in Energy Materials
Alexandria, Egypt
2 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Feb 2025
USD 13,000 / per year
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Energy Materials:
M.Sc. students must complete at least 36 credit hours, within the following guidelines:
- Course-work of 18 credit hours, including two core courses of 6 credit hours (3 credit hours each), three elective courses of 9 credit hours and a Project-Based Learning course of 3 credit hours.
- Thesis-work of 18 credit hours.
M.Sc. students have to pass successfully 6 courses with three credit hours each before applying for the Thesis.
Core Courses:
- MER 501: Materials structures and defects
- MER 502: Energy resources and storage: economics and environment
Elective Courses:
Students should select 3 courses of 9 credit hours (3 credit hours each). Students can select, with the aid of their academic advisors, elective courses from other science or engineering disciplines.
- EMA 503: Materials science for energy applications
- EMA 504: Chemistry for energy science
- EMA 505: Semiconductors materials and processing
- EMA 506: Thermodynamics of materials
- EMA 507: Solar, wind and biomass energies
- EMA 508: Optical properties of luminescent materials
- EMA 509: Device physics
Project-Based Learning Courses:
M.Sc. students have to participate in the following teamwork project, which is based on self-learning. Students have to present innovative concepts and competitive solutions.
- EMA 701: Project-based learning in energy materials
M.Sc. Thesis:
The M.Sc. candidate should prepare and defend a Thesis based on high-valued research work in one research topic in the field of Energy Materials.
- EMA 801: M.Sc. Thesis
About the Department
BAS Institute, E-JUST, offers for the time being Energy Materials program in Physics. This program is designed to prepare M.Sc. and Ph.D. students for their future career by equipping them with the main educational requirements of professional skills to the practice of Materials and Energy Resources field.
This will empower graduate students to function effectively in their initial appointment and provide a strong basis for future career development. This is to provide awareness of research in materials science and to encourage the development of inventiveness while searching for scientific solutions to technical problems. The program plans to develop researchers who can provide fundamental inputs require meeting the challenges of the energy sector.
The core courses will provide a background of analytical and laboratory techniques, as well as courses related to understanding energy systems. The program will meet the future needs for skills researchers in the field of materials and energy. The research subjects are supplemented by several courses from different science and engineering programs.