Master in Strategic Design
1 Years
Full time
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EUR 13,150 / per year *
* +500€ preinscripción
The Master in Strategic Design combines strategic design, systemic thinking, sustainability and applied social sciences to devise new approaches in the field of business and social innovation. You can take this master's degree in Barcelona or Madrid.
The Master in Strategic Design combines design disciplines with other applied social sciences in response to the challenges of our time, enabling the ability to solve problems both in the field of business and in any type of organizations or communities.
Design has found a place in virtually all aspects of life in society, and is no longer limited exclusively to areas related to crafts, art and architecture. Following this trend, strategic planning and its application have begun to form part of the world of design, promoting new hybridizations and theories that cover areas such as innovation, inclusive design, corporate design and strategic design, but also areas such as leadership. , sustainability, systemic thinking and business change and development, among others.
As the world becomes increasingly VICA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous), areas such as strategy design and the role of strategy in design become increasingly important. This master's degree responds to the context of increasing complexity of society and the need for a systemic approach to problem solving. Therefore, it aims to prepare a new generation of professionals like you, not only enhancing your business skills, but also providing you with the design capabilities required to develop initiatives that respond to the challenges and needs of the 21st century, including environmental and ethical issues.
In this context, this program promotes ethnographic and anthropological research, ideation and prototyping to devise new approaches in the field of business and social innovation. You will achieve critical design-based skills while developing sophisticated perspectives on management and organizational strategy, financial and environmental sustainability, entrepreneurship, and ethical leadership.
Scholarships and Funding
The Elisava Scholarships recognize, reward and disseminate the talent and excellence of future master's students.
The call takes place every March. Next call: March 2025.
Anyone who wants to study a master's degree at Elisava can apply for this annual call. Remember that in order to participate you will only be eligible for a master's degree (including the Fahrenheit Scholarship programs). If you apply to more than one program, your candidacy will be invalidated.
Elisava Masters: 15 50% scholarships
We award 15 scholarships of 50% of the total amount of the master's degree you choose, starting in September 2024 or February 2025.
Master in Strategic Design consists of 60 credits.
The business of strategic design
Approaches, models and tools that improve innovation and problem-solving skills for effective strategic design.
Strategic design development
Development of the strategic design process, from the problem or idea to the dissemination, assimilation, acceptance and use of strategic design in a creative way.
Leadership in strategic design
Conceptual, analytical and practical tools and strategies for change. Relational perspective for problem solving, leadership styles for different situations.
Trabajo Fin de Máster
Design and development of an individual project focused on a challenge, which requires field work in a social and/or organizational environment.
Program Outcome
- Obtain the knowledge, skills and attitudes to compete in the global market as design and business development professionals in an innovative and strategic way. Provide knowledge, methodologies and skills to approach projects from a strategic design perspective
- Know the disciplines of design and strategy, their evolution and interaction
- Analyze trends and translate them into applicable ideas
- Understand the complexity of the challenges and developments that occur in systems
- Build problem formulations and research designs
- Apply different methodologies to build prototypes and proposals
- Create value propositions, models and strategies.
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
Currently there is a strong demand for professionals in the field of design and strategy. The design approach to ideation and strategy is an emerging concept, considered as one of the future functions to build organizations capable of responding to any unpredictable future.
When you finish the master's degree, you will be able to develop your professional career in sustainability management, innovation, social enterprise, strategic design and service design, as well as entrepreneurship in a wide range of sectors, organizations and professional fields. You will be able to become an “intrapreneur” in companies or take on new and emerging roles, such as change manager, head of innovation or chief thinker to advance to new roles such as change management, innovation or future management.
We identified two main macro-professional profiles: "design and innovation specialists" (marketing directors, R&D managers, industrial designers and product engineers, designers of multimedia solutions and services) and "integrators of innovation and design processes" (design directors). , design managers, project managers, product managers, retail managers, brand managers, consultants for innovation in products and systems).
Some professional opportunities for this master's degree are:
- business designer
- business consultant
- brand strategist
- Content strategist
- Customer experience designer
- Design and innovation manager
- Design strategist
- Emprendedor
- Product manager
- Product marketing manager
- UX Strategist.
Program delivery
This master's degree is taught in Barcelona and Madrid
Modality (Barcelona)
Modality (Madrid)
Blended, weekly synchronous remote classes + 3 in-person residencies (kick-off, mid term, grad show)
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.