Master in International Human Resources Management
Rome, Italy
4 up to 10 Months
Full time
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EUR 7,000
Blended, On-Campus
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Why a Master's degree in International Human Resources Management?
Informed by current research, advanced scholarship and professional practice the programme offers an opportunity to extend and develop skills, knowledge and critical abilities at Masters Level in the field of International Human Resource Management.
Through the Programme courses, students can broaden and expand their personal skills in communication, presentation, research, critical analysis and problem solving.
Thanks to the partnership with the University of Greenwich (London - UK), one of the most representative academic institution in the UK, all the training activities (lectures, researches, assignments, project works, etc.) will be held in English by Faculty Members, Visiting Professors and Guest Speakers from English and International business context.
In order to allow students to be properly prepared to deal with the international experience, GEMA Business School has designed a "Starting Path” as a first phase of the Master Program that will be held in Rome and focused to the following areas: Human Resources Fundamental, Team Building and Personal Skills.
Applicants should not be older than 30 years and have a relevant first Degree from a recognized University or other equivalent higher education Institute. In addition, candidates should demonstrate a B2 level (QCER) of English language knowledge or above, minimum standard requested by the University of Greenwich to attend its classes.
Every candidate will be expected to have an interview with school admission officers in order to assess motivation, attitudes, starting level of competencies and expectations.
Learning Goals and Methods
International Human Resources Management Master Programme meet the following objectives:
- To establish a systematic understanding of knowledge and a critical awareness of current problems and insights in the field of international HR management, informed by and at the forefront of both academic discipline and professional practice;
- To provide the opportunity for an individual student to acquire a range of business skills in the context of their application to the management of international human resource management;
- To broaden and expand personal skills in self-awareness, reflection, communication, presentation, research, analysis and problem solving.
Key Benefits
- Acquisition of Human Resources competencies together with a definitive improvement of English language skills;
- Life and study experience in two different countries (Italy and UK);
- Proven practical and experiential learning methodologies and tools;
- Opportunity to obtain an internship at the end of the program;
- Partnership between two prestigious educational institutions (GEMA Business School and University of Greenwich).
Programme Phases