MSc in Business Analytics and Consultancy
Academic City, United Arab Emirates
1 up to 2 Years
Full time, Part time
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AED 78,750 / per year *
Distance Learning, On-Campus
* all tuition fees inclusive of VAT
The MSc Business Analytics and Consultancy programme created by Edinburgh Business School at Heriot-Watt University will give you the skills most highly valued by today’s employers who are increasingly seeking graduates skilled in using data-driven, evidence-based approaches to decision-making in complex business environments.
The demand by employers for business analytics skills and competencies is considerably increasing while there is a significant shortage of these skills and competencies among job seekers. Therefore, the gap in the job market in this field is enormous.
There are several core elements of this MSc programme that will set students apart in the corporate world, these include the core skills you will gain on our Business Analytics course followed by our research-led Big Data Analytics course, the Network Analysis course and a new course in Management Consultancy.
Course content
Students will study eight taught courses and will be required to complete a dissertation. They can opt for six mandatory courses and two optional courses from the selection.
Semester 1
During Semester one students will be studying the following mandatory courses and one optional course:
- Mandatory courses
- Business Analytics and introduction to big data
- Management Consultancy
- Finance and financial reporting
One optional course from the selection as follows:
- Fundamentals of Lean Six Sigma
- Measuring and Managing Performance
- Strategic Change
Semester 2
During semester two students will undertake the following mandatory and optional courses:
- Mandatory courses
- Big Data Analytics
- Network Analysis for Business
- Research Philosophy and Practice
One optional course from the selection as follows:
- Quality Management
- Project Management
- System Thinking and Analysis
Semester 3
During the third semester, students will be focusing on Business Analysis and Consultancy dissertations.
Specialist mandatory courses
Our Business Analytics and Big Data Analytics courses were first established in 2018, guided by current thinking and research being carried out by our logistics and supply chain researchers in the Centre for Sustainable Road Freight in partnership with the University of Cambridge. Logistics and supply chain sectors have adopted an increasingly data-driven focus, leading to a greater demand for employees who can solve complex problems through the effective analysis of big data. As the industry has becomes increasingly data-driven the recent work of Edinburgh Business School’s Logistics Group has resulted in significant advances in knowledge.Our academics have led the way in using data analytics and advanced modelling techniques to develop logistics and supply network solutions for both public and private sector organisations. Our MSc programme benefits directly from this research ensuring that the business and big data analytics skills learnt to align with the needs of the industry, having emerged directly from research that strives to find real-world solutions.
Business Analytics
This course in Business Analytics will teach you how to use a wide range of analytical tools and techniques to solve real business problems and improve business performance. Increasingly employers expect management graduates to have practical data analysis skills to support decision-making in business.
Big Data Analytics
Heriot-Watt University’s Big Data Analytics course will give you the quantitative skills to extract, analyse and interpret information from large data sources. Real-world case studies will provide you with insights into how multiple advanced data analytics tools and techniques can be used to solve complex logistics and supply chain problems.
Network Analysis
Students will engage in seminars examining in-depth the theory and methods of Social Network Analysis. Our course is tailored to focus on the relevance of networks to social and business environments and built using the latest research in network science. Intertwined with examples from organisational studies, the psychology of teams, leadership and entrepreneurship are employed to demonstrate and elaborate on key insights. During the course, we examine the core theoretical concepts and foundations of relational algebra that underpin social network analysis. We will critically review the key methodological tools for the analysis of networks in social science research and compare alternative research designs that employ SNA methodologies. A core element of this course is teaching methods of data collection and the operationalisation of research employing Social Network Analysis. This course will feature assessments in optimising team performance, alternative innovation strategies, building, maintaining and deploying personal networks. The course is provided in partnership with the Centre for Networks and Enterprise and will be taught by guest lecturers from the centre. Business leaders from across the globe with expertise in network science applications will visit the campus to share their experiences with students. During this course, we aim to enhance our student's personal networks, teach the composition and relational dynamics of teams and enhance their team leadership skills.
Management Consultancy
A new course specifically designed for this MSc Programme by the highly reputable Professor Julian Randall. Honorary Professor Randall is a leading expert and author of Management Consultancy: The Role of the Change Agent and he has designed this course to provide our students with the tools and skills to effectively assess and advise companies on problem solving, change management and providing resolutions at all levels. Prof Randall has extensive experience in management strategies and specialises in change management in the public sector.
By incorporating these four courses into this MSc in Business Analytics and Consultancy we will equip you with the tools and techniques expected of postgraduates in the fast-evolving, increasingly data-driven business environment. Through the completion of four further management courses all designed to broaden business analysis skills, from across the Edinburgh Business School portfolio, you will gain extensive knowledge in the current concepts, theories and practices of business management.
This combination of learning will provide you with an integrated set of highly valued hard and soft management skills giving you the ability to make better decisions and manage transformational change in a range of organisations.