Master Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement
Krems an der Donau, Austria
4 Semesters
Part time
15 Apr 2025
Oct 2025
EUR 6,900 / per semester
Nachhaltig Wirtschaften
Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften ist in aller Munde. Der berufsbegleitende Master-Studiengang Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement qualifiziert Sie für die Übernahme verantwortungsvoller, einschlägiger Tätigkeiten im nationalen und internationalen Berufsfeld. Im Studium beschäftigen Sie sich mit Trends und Chancen im Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement und lernen, wie Sie ökologische und soziale Ansätze in Unternehmen und Organisationen verankern können.
In der Studien-Eingangsphase beschäftigen Sie sich hauptsächlich mit den Themen Ökologie, Technik und Gesellschaft. Im Laufe des Studiums rückt dann das Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement immer mehr in den Fokus. Sie erfahren einerseits alles über die relevanten Managementsysteme und Standards sowie die deren Anwendung und lernen andererseits, mit Werkzeugen für Kommunikation und Berichterstattung umzugehen. Eines der Highlights für unsere Studierenden: eine spannende Exkursionswoche ganz im Zeichen der Nachhaltigkeit. Sie besuchen Unternehmen, die eine Vorreiterrolle im nachhaltigen Wirtschaften einnehmen und knüpfen wertvolle Kontakte.
Auf einen Blick
- Dauer: 2 Jahre/ 4 Semester (120 ECTS)
- Format: Berufsbegleitend
- Vorlesungssprache: Deutsch
- Abschluss: Master of Arts in Business (MA)
- Studienbeginn: jedes Jahr im September
Ideal Students
target group
You want to take on managerial or demanding staff positions in national and international companies, associations or NGOs and research institutions. You plan and think responsibly and are interested in the areas of environmental, sustainability and energy management as well as corporate social responsibility (CSR).
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Details about the study
Become an ambassador for sustainable business: During your studies, you will deal with trends and opportunities in environmental and sustainability management and learn how to anchor ecological and social approaches in companies and organizations.
Our master’s degree in environmental and sustainability management provides you with skills that enable you to support companies and organizations in implementing measures and strategies for ecological sustainability.
Become an expert in sustainable management by focusing on your studies!
- economy and society
- Management systems and standards
- Communication and reporting
- Ecological and technological basics
- Research methods and scientific work
At a glance
- Duration: 2 years/ 4 semesters (120 ECTS)
- Format: Extra-occupational
- Lecture Language: German
- Degree: Master of Arts in Business (MA)
- Start of study: every year in September
Program Tuition Fee
Scholarships and Funding
Unfortunately, our university does not award scholarships to reduce tuition fees. However, our students with excellent academic success have the opportunity to qualify for a so-called performance scholarship once per course of study.
Just like university students, you can also apply for tuition assistance or other government or private grants.
Career Opportunities
career paths
As a graduate of the Environmental and Sustainability Management master’s degree, you understand the idea of sustainability. You are able to use resources carefully and to plan and act responsibly both internally and externally. You use your expertise in either the public, non-profit or private sector. In your day-to-day work, you will develop independent solutions to problems in a multidisciplinary context based on your subject-specific knowledge in the fields of ecology and environmental management as well as your methodological skills.
- Strategic management
- Environmental and business consulting
- environmental controlling
- Implementation of integrated management systems
- Environmentally friendly product design
- Research and Development
- Sustainable marketing
- Environmental Public Relations
- Initial and continuing education
Student Testimonials
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.