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Kyoto University Of Advanced Science

Kyoto University of Advanced Science (KUAS) can look back on a 50-year history as an accredited private educational institution in the academic heartland of Japan. To take the next step and challenge on the global scale, KUAS invited a top-notch CEO of a Kyoto-based globally successful firm as chairman, aiming to offer its academic resources in the international arena. The establishment of an innovative English-taught engineering program is one major example of these efforts, as KUAS continues to strengthen its commitment to being at the apex of modern education.

Founding Principles

  • KUAS will seek to produce outstanding graduates who can identify and solve the problems of the future.
  • KUAS will seek to envision a brighter future for society and conduct advanced academic research that will lead to the realization of that vision.
  • By producing excellent graduates and research, KUAS will take a leading role in contributing to society, both today and in the centuries to come.

Putting our Founding Principles into Practice

  • The experts and leaders who will contribute to the society of tomorrow will work in a world of diverse values.
  • The Kyoto University of Advanced Science is committed to education and research that takes the initiative in solving global issues by looking ahead to the future, identifying new issues that may arise, and integrating these with contemporary educational themes.
  • At KUAS, we will seek to produce dynamic, capable people who can take on the challenge of complex and multifaceted problems by combining world-class progressive-mindedness, adaptability, and morality with specialized knowledge, creative thinking, and foresight alongside a broad, holistic foundation of knowledge.

“Creating new paradigms in our global society” - Masafumi Maeda, President of KUAS

Welcome to the Kyoto University of Advanced Science. Under our new name, our university is evolving into a comprehensive university, but one that is centered on our truly unique Faculty of Engineering. We have established this department in response to global needs: the evolution of robots and automated machines, as well as drones and electric vehicles, will bring about societal reforms at a rapid pace. Therefore, we are devoted to being a university that creates the knowledge skills that are demanded by our modern world. If you are interested in creating a new kind of university together, we are waiting for you.

KUAS in Numbers

  • 50 - KUAS celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2019 with a brand new school name.
  • 2 - We have two homes. Uzumasa campus in West Kyoto and Kameoka campus in Kameoka city.
  • 1 - KUAS hosts the 1st multidisciplinary all-English Faculty of Engineering in Japan.
  • 50-50 - One of our visions for the Faculty of Engineering: 50% international students, 50% female students.
  • 10,000+ - The number of international students in Kyoto. A truly global city!
  • 35% - 35% of the professors in the KUAS Faculty of Engineering are from overseas.
  • 264,365m² - The total area of our two campuses.
  • 2020 - KUAS launched its new Faculty of Engineering with its own brand-new faculty building.
  • 10% - Approximately 1 out of 10 people in Kyoto city is a university student. This rate is the highest in Japan!

    The number of students in all the Faculties at KUAS (As of May 1st, 2020)

    3,659 students

    • Faculty of Engineering: 123
    • Faculty of Economics and Business Administration: 1385
    • Faculty of Humanities: 694
    • Faculty of Bioenvironmental Science: 631
    • Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences: 826
    • Total: 3659

    The number of students in all the Graduate Schools at KUAS (As of May 1st, 2020)

    39 students

    • Graduate School of Engineering: 6
    • Graduate School of Economics: 14
    • Graduate School of Business Administration: 2
    • Graduate School of Human Culture: 12
    • Graduate School of Bioenvironmental Science: 5
    • Total: 39

    The number of international students at KUAS (As of May 1st, 2021)

    91 students (including exchange students, special students, etc.)

    • Faculty of Engineering: 2
    • Faculty of Economics and Business Administration: 34
    • Faculty of Humanities: 27
    • Faculty of Bioenvironmental Science: 14
    • Graduate School of Engineering: 5
    • Graduate School of Economics: 1
    • Graduate School of Human Culture: 4
    • Graduate School of Bioenvironmental Science: 1
    • Others: 3
    • Total: 91

    The number of faculty members at KUAS

    189 members

      Uzumasa Campus & The South Engineering Building

      Uzumasa campus is located in a relatively relaxed area in western Kyoto City. It is the perfect distance from the city center for a nice, short bike ride in all seasons, and there is always the subway or bus in case of rain.

      Uzumasa campus consists of four large buildings. The South Engineering Building is the newest of the four and was completed in 2019 specifically for our new Faculty of Engineering. To realize our vision for a truly modern Engineering Faculty, we needed a perfect home. Our esteemed faculty were allowed to take a hands-on approach in planning and coordination to ensure that the building features all of the necessary machines and equipment for their state-of-the-art research. Furthermore, the South Building was designed with openness in mind. The floor plan features a museum to showcase our students’ projects and professors’ research and a large, open-floor learning commons. Each professor will have their own labs and offices within the building. However, these open spaces will allow for more interactions between professors, students, laboratories, and fields of research. Additionally, the university hopes to enrich these facilities with a culture unique to Kyoto’s technological sector. Traditionally, companies in Kyoto have built dormitories for their employees adjacent to their companies, and our South Building also features an 80-room international engineering student dormitory.

      Uzumasa campus features numerous other facilities, the highlight of which is our new West Building. Completed in 2019 just prior to the South Building, the West Building features brand-new classrooms, career and internship support offices, and lots of areas for students to relax. Communal areas include atriums, patio areas with a full view of the campus, and a large gathering hall.

      Kameoka Campus

      Kameoka Campus is located about 30 minutes from Uzumasa Campus, with KUAS offering a bus service to shuttle all students between campuses. Kameoka Campus occupies a large valley flanked by mountains, making it the perfect environment to get away from the bustle of the city. The 232,000 square meter campus features 16 buildings as well as numerous sporting fields (baseball, soccer, golf), a gym, and outdoor facilities dedicated to our Faculty of Bioenvironmental Science. Engineering students will be able to take advantage of Kameoka’s sporting facilities as part of their physical education courses!


      The Kyoto University Of Advanced Science has three libraries that not only house our impressive book collection but also provide students with a variety of productive study environments.

      To help students stay healthy both in body and mind, in addition to the sporting facilities at Kameoka Campus, our Uzumasa Campus features an exercise room and yoga studio.

      One of the staples of any Japanese university is the school cafeteria, where you will find a wide variety of cuisine at very reasonable prices. KUAS is no exception to this, and our regularly updated cafeteria menu is very popular among our international students.

        • Kyoto

          Uzumasa Campus 18 Gotanda-cho, Yamanouchi, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan, 615-8577, , Kyoto

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          Kyoto University Of Advanced Science