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LCI Barcelona Master in Management and Direction of Fashion Companies
LCI Barcelona

Master in Management and Direction of Fashion Companies

1 Years


Full time

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This master's degree is endorsed by the great teaching experience of Felicidad Duce, the LCI Barcelona Fashion School , and by the international level of the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona , with which they have worked closely on the design of the program, thus guaranteeing a structured teaching plan with expert professors in the contents of both the product area and disciplines related to finance and business management. Therefore, the master offers a double degree .

It is also worth mentioning the participation of MODACC - Clúster Català de la Moda , whose collaboration has made possible the development of a professional study program, adapted to the needs and functioning of the textile business sector. Through this academic program, an integral training is developed aimed at different sectors and positions of relevance in different departments of the fashion industry.


• Provide the necessary tools to effectively manage a company in the textile and fashion sector.

• Know the legal, economic and organizational framework that regulates the companies in this field.

• Know how to analyze a company in order to adapt it to current needs.

• Provide the necessary creative capacity in order to promote new management resources and business leadership.


• Graduates, graduates or graduates who want to orientate themselves professionally in the management and management of the different areas of the textile and fashion sector.

• Professionals and managers of companies interested in developing responsibility functions in companies in this field.

• Professionals wishing to expand and improve their knowledge in order to carry out managerial and management tasks in companies of the textile industry.


• Have global and totalizing knowledge that links fashion to the world of art and vice versa to provide a synthetic, analytical and critical vision in the creative and productive processes of management.

• Know and apply the interdisciplinarity between the different products and see how they complement and relate, in order to globally complete a creative and / or competitive process in the world of the fashion company.

• To have the maximum fluency in the knowledge of graphic media linked to the world of fashion, as well as its design and communication function.

• Obtain all the necessary concepts to be able to classify and evaluate the needs of the graphic language related to the creative processes within the design of clothing, its management and direction.

• Know how to use all the necessary conceptual and technical resources to ensure that the creative language of graphic, plastic and informative character is properly incorporated in the direction and management of fashion companies.

• Have a global vision of the fashion world and the functioning of the company, its processes and the interactions between them.

• Know the decision-making process involved in any directive action.

• Master the skills to dialogue with the rest of the company's executives, as well as with the external entities on which it depends.

• Know how to guide the strategy of the company that will open the way to achieve the objectives.

• Have the knowledge and maturity necessary to delude and guide the most precious asset of a company, which is its human team.


The course is structured in 7 modules. Each of them contains subjects related to the specific content and specific thematic blocks, always taught by teachers and professionals who are experts in the fashion sector.

The student will perform a final master's degree project in which he / she must develop a business proposal, from the creation of the product to its implementation in the market.


• Product manager

• Project manager

• Development and production manager

• Purchasing Manager

• Marketing manager

• Responsible for communication

• Brand manager

• Retail manager

• Administration manager

• Consultant in organization and management of fashion companies

• HR Manager




Anthropology of fashion


> Historical fashion environment

> Sociological fashion environment

> Textile manufacturing environment


• Analyze the color in the stage costumes and adapt it to a specific character according to the proposed argument.

• Know the history of clothing, entertainment and audiovisual, as well as artistic movements, to know how to apply them to specific representations.

• Master the techniques of modeling and applying volumes in the wardrobe to create and adapt all kinds of clothing.


Creative direction


› Tools & Fashion Trends

> Collection plan


• Know the appropriate tools in the process of creation and development of the collections.

• Train to supervise and define proposals for products from the textile and fashion sector, specifying styles, trends and most suitable materials for each season.


Production management


> Product structure and development

> Ecodesign and sustainability


• Know and identify the processes to be used in the development of the different products that make up the textile and fashion sector.

• Sensitize the importance of ecodesign and sustainability as an added value to a brand and as a social responsibility of the company.


Commercial and communication management


> Brand management

> Communication management

> Advertising management

> Retail management


• Train to define objectives, design strategies and plan communication and marketing actions in the sector, in coherence with the marketing plan.

• Provide the knowledge and skills necessary to direct and coordinate the areas of communication and marketing with the other units of the textile and fashion industry.


Business Management


> Business environment

> Management techniques

> Human factor


• Acquire the knowledge of business management.

• Know how to prepare a business plan.


Internal business management


> Financial management

> Production and logistics management


• Acquire the basic accounting and financial knowledge of a company.

• Obtain a global vision of the operation of logistics in a company.

• Know the economic parameters that influence the production process of a product.


Final work of master

Development of a business proposal, from the ideation and creation of the product to its implementation in the current market.


Students enrolled in a master's program will be able to do professional internships through our Job Bank, designed to facilitate their access to the world of work. LCI Barcelona is linked to numerous companies and institutions in the world of design, which allows students to do internships in these companies in order to test the skills and knowledge acquired in a real professional context.


Thanks to this tool offered by the LCI Education network, the Job Bank is international. It is an online platform shared by all students in the network that allows LCI Barcelona students and graduates to share their portfolios and apply to job offers and internships from companies located in all countries where the network has a campus and where young talents are needed.

Read more on the institution's website

Program Admission Requirements

Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.

About the School
