Master's Programme in Biorefineries
2 Years
Part time
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EUR 13,500 *
Distance Learning
* annual tuition for non-EU/EEA students
The sustainable production of energy, food, chemicals and materials is a major challenge for us today and for future generations.
Production has until now been largely based on fossil raw materials, which has, in turn, caused serious environmental challenges. The use of renewable raw materials where it is technically possible and economically feasible is one of the corner technologies for mitigating climate change and saving scarce natural resources.
Biorefineries implement a wide range of technologies and materials, and this programme examines them with an open mind and a wide scope, including the opportunities they offer in terms of new competencies, solutions and critical assessments. In this Master's programme, you will specialise in biorefining and related industries in the circular economy.
The Master's Programme in Biorefineries is delivered as flexible distance learning independent of place or time. It is well suited for people already in the working world in Finland or abroad, aiming for professional development and the upgrading of qualifications. This programme is a practical solution to practical lifelong learning.
Note, due to the distance learning nature of the programme, international students applying to this programme from outside EU, are unable to apply for the residence permit for studies. There are nevertheless some compulsory meeting days that require presence at LUT Lappeenranta campus. Students travelling from outside the Schengen area must apply for a tourist visa.
Degree structure and studies
The Master's Programme in Biorefineries is a two-year, distance learning programme. In addition to virtual instruction, the programme includes a few contact teaching days (seminars, laboratory work, etc.) each academic year on the Lappeenranta campus.
The programme leads to the degree of Master of Science in Technology, M.Sc. (Tech.), which is 120 ECTS credits.
The programme includes core, advanced specialisation, minor and elective studies.
Core studies, 13 ECTS credits, include introduction courses to M.Sc. studies and research activities in the field of biorefineries and chemical engineering in general. They also include studies on the connection between technology and society.
Advanced specialisation studies, 18-35 ECTS credits, in Biobased Process Engineering deal with, for example, alternative biorefineries and enabling technologies, e.g. separation technologies, biological wastewater treatment and bioeconomy.
Minor studies (if any, depending on the scope of the advanced specialisation studies) and elective studies can be freely chosen by the student. The following minor subjects, all of which are suitable for distance learning, are recommended for the Biorefineries programme:
- Energy Technology (distance learning)
- Minor studies from the Department of Chemical Engineering: Advanced Chemistry and Advanced Water Treatment
- VAKASO Liiketoimintaosaaminen (basic business studies)
- Circular Economy (multidisciplinary study module)
- Minor studies offered by the FiTech Finnish Institute of Technology
The Master's thesis, 30 ECTS credits, is an advanced research project completed during the fourth semester. The Master's thesis requires approximately six months of full-time work.
Program Outcome
Learning outcomes
During your studies, you will learn to design and develop processes and the production of materials based on modern biorefining technologies.
As a graduate, you will possess a unique set of skills for designing, planning, assessing and operating sustainable, environmentally friendly biorefining processes and products.
Teaching in this Master's programme has been planned in close cooperation with the industry, and it takes into account the development directions and new opportunities in the educational environment. Diverse distance teaching methods and students with versatile professional experience ensure that you will study in a multicultural and multidisciplinary group.
During your studies, you will acquire:
- knowledge of the modern and future biorefining technology, products and raw materials, including also the current technologies such as pulping processes;
- skills in understanding sustainable solutions and technologies, and the ability to design and develop practical biorefining applications;
- competence in using technologies integrated to biorefineries, e.g. wastewater treatment;
- professional network through teamwork in assignments as most of the students are working in the industry.
Career Opportunities
Career prospects
You will acquire the knowledge and skills to work in different fields of the biorefining industry, most typically in research, development, or various operations of biorefining sites and related equipment manufacturers globally.
You will also be able to work in project management and consulting companies, education, or assessing related laws, regulations and actions taken by authorities. You will be able to discuss future choices critically within the biorefining industry, to renew the strategy of your company, or to work as a decision-maker.
The circular economy is also a very closely related field: this Master's programme is not restricted only to the biorefining industry but applies more generally to industry related to the use of renewable resources.
In addition, you will obtain a firm basis for continuing your studies in doctoral programmes.
English Language Requirements
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