All new Higher Education Student Grants are administered through a single agency called SUSI (Student Universal Support Ireland). Applications are made online and students who wish to apply for a student grant are advised to start the process as early as possible. You can start the application process before you receive your CAO place offer and have confirmed your acceptance.
The key changes to the Student Grant Scheme for the 2023/24 academic year are set out below with the new €500 student contribution grant being the most significant as more students than ever before may now be eligible for a form of support:
- New student contribution grant of €500 for incomes between €62,000 and €100,000.
- Increase in income limit from €55,240 to €62,000 for the 50% student contribution grant.
- Increase in maintenance grant rates (which took effect from 1 January 2023).
- Postgraduate fee grant increased by €500 on 2022 levels from €3,500 to €4,000.
- Eligibility for second chance mature students reduced from 5 to 3 years.
- Exclusion of rental income up to €14,000 earned under the Government’s Rent-a-Room Relief Scheme from reckonable income.
- Increase in student earnings allowable to be earned outside of term time without being counted towards income from €4,500 to €6,552.
The Human Capital Initiative (HCI), a five-year project, investing €300m of National Training Fund (NTF) funding commenced in 2020. HCI aims to increase capacity in higher education to provide skills-focused programmes designed to meet priority skills needs.
The Higher Education Authority (HEA) announced the launch of the Micro-Credentials Learner Fee Subsidy under the Human Capital Initiative, Pillar 3.
Micro-credential courses are small, accredited courses designed to meet the demands of learners, enterprises and society. The NCAD courses award between 5 and 20 ECTS and provide awards at Level 9 on National Framework of Qualifications.