MSc in Management of Innovation and Sustainable Business Development
Alesund, Norway
2 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Aug 2025
NOK 197,000 / per year *
* No tution fee for EU/EEA/Swiss students.
Would you like to explore how you can change tomorrow's society through innovation processes and sustainable business development? Then this is the perfect programme of study for you.
A MSc in Management of Innovation and Sustainable Business Development will expand your business expertise with a combination of courses in innovation, entrepreneurship, sustainability and change management. Apply today and join the first cohort of change makers in our new MSc program.
The MSc program in Management of Innovation and Sustainable Business Development focuses on themes within innovation, entrepreneurship, sustainability management, sustainable business development, and change management. You will develop advanced knowledge within these themes.
Through our course activities, you will also develop important 21st-century skills such as teamwork, communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity. Emphasis is given to student-centered learning involving collaboration, reflection, experience sharing, and project-related work.
The students will gain:
- Specialized understanding of innovation, entrepreneurship, and business development through student-active learning activities in close collaboration with industry.
- In-depth knowledge on sustainability analytics and important methods and tools for sustainable business development.
- The ability to plan and lead changes in organizations by relying on competence within leadership, process management, and collaboration.
Through our course activities, you will also develop important skills such as teamwork, communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity. Emphasis is given to student-centered learning involving collaboration, reflection, experience sharing, and project-related work.
Program Tuition Fee
Scholarships and Funding
Stipends and Loans for Master´s Degree Students
NTNU does generally not offer any stipends/scholarships or loans. However, we recommend that you investigate if there are any funding opportunities yourself. Below are some stipends, loans, and scholarships from third parties that are applicable to certain students at NTNU.
- Erasmus Mundus: scholarships for EU students
- Anglo-Norse Society: £2,500 is awarded each year to the best qualified British citizen receiving admission to a master´s degree at NTNU. You do not need to apply.
- EU loans: Some EU countries offer their citizens favorable loans to help them finance a master's degree in an Erasmus+ Programme country
- NORPART MA Scholarships: NTNU offers five scholarships to students from Ethiopia who will pursue an MPhil in childhood studies in the academic year 2023/2024 (Note: Changes to this scholarship scheme may arise if the motion to introduce tuition fees in Norway passes)
- GSEP - Global Sustainable Electricity Partnership: Scholarship for outstanding master 's-level students from developing countries in fields related to sustainable energy development.
The Master of Science program in Management of Innovation and Sustainable Business Development is a two-year program, which awards a total of 120 ECTS credits. You will take 30 credits per term over four terms.
- The first and second semester consists of compulsory courses in innovation, entrepreneurship, sustainability, change management, and research methods.
- In the third semester, you have the opportunity to do an exchange semester abroad or to specialize further through compulsory and elective courses in Aalesund. You also have the opportunity to include an internship as an elective in your third semester.
- In the fourth and final semester, you will write your master's thesis.
The first semester introduces you to the core elements of the program through courses in entrepreneurship, ESG, leadership, and change management. You will also have an introductory course in research methods.
In the second semester, you will further build on the courses in the first semester diving deeper into management of innovation, sustainability, and research. Students will also take the mandatory interdisciplinary NTNU course called Experts in Teamwork to develop better teamwork skills, which is an important ability to master for business managers. This course provides an excellent opportunity to lift your focus and enjoy learning about a topic of interest to you. Experts in Teamwork (EiT) is an obligatory course for all study programs at the second degree (master's) level at NTNU. An overview of the courses can be found here: www.ntnu.no/eit/villages.
In the third semester, you will have the opportunity to do an exchange semester at one of our many partner institutions where you will take courses equivalent to 30 ECTS.
For those staying on campus during the third semester, you will have two mandatory courses and 15 ECTS electives, including the opportunity to do a credit-bearing internship.
Master's Thesis
You will write a master’s thesis during your final semester of the MSc program. This is your chance to shine by demonstrating the knowledge and competence you’ve gained throughout your two years of study. You will choose a topic early in the third semester and will be supervised by a faculty with knowledge within your topic. You will likely write your thesis along with another student, though it is also possible to do this individually. You can choose a topic from a list provided by the Department or find a topic of your own choosing within your chosen field of study. The thesis must provide new knowledge and will document that you have gained sufficient competence in analyzing actual research problems.
Program Outcome
Learning outcome - Knowledge
On successful completion of the MSc, the candidate will:
- Have advanced knowledge on sustainability management. key frameworkds for sustainable development and relevant tolls for sustainability analytics.
- Have specialized knowledge within innovation and entrepreneurship as a field of research and practice, as well as insight into tools and methods for business development and management of innovation processes.
- Have advanced knowledge on key concepts, topics and theories in management, with specialized insight into change management and project management.
- Have thorough knowledge about scientific theories and methods that are relevant for innovation, sustainability and management.
Learning outcome - Skills
On successful completion of the MSc, the candidate will:
- Be able to analyze the need for changes to improve sustainability in an organization and give recommendations for leadership of green transition.
- Be able to use key tools and methods to explore, evaluate and exploit opportunities for business development.
- Be able to plan, execute and evaluate projects or change processes based on relevant theories and tools within management.
- Be able to apply relevant research design to address research topics and carry out an independent, limited research project under faculty guidance.
- Be able to analyze real life problems with a foundation in a disciplines history and traditions.
Learning outcome - Competence
On successful completion of the MSc, the candidate will:
- Be able to apply knowledge and skills within innovation, sustainability and management to carry out advanced tasks and projects.
- Be able to contribute to comprehensive new thinking as well as to innovation processes in existing organizations as well as through starting up new organizations.
- Be able to analyze relevant professional problems and research questions.
- Have collaboration competence and be able to solve problems in interdisciplinary teams.
- Be able to communicate professional problems and have a complete command of the technical terms of the programme topics.
- Be able to indicate problem issues withihn sustainable management and innovation to specialists as well as to the general public.
Career Opportunities
The MSc programme provides opportunities for careers within sustainability, innovation, entrepreneurship and management. You will develop av highly attractive competence and have advanced knowledge on topics such as sustainability management, innovation management, sustainable business development, change management, systems thinking, customer-driven innovation and entrepreneurship. Combined this opens up to a variety of career paths and you can work at different levels in an organization including corporate management.
Among others, graduates can work in:
- Consulting - With specialized expertise in innovation, business development and sustainability you can work as an consultant in consulting firms giving professional advice within your area of expertise to clients.
- Private sector - In todays fast paced business world companies need employees with competence within sustainability and innovation, but also change agents who expertise in how to make changes happen. Graduates will be eligible to applying for positions such as for example head of sustainability, ESG analyst, innovation manager, business manager or project manager.
- Public sector - Government has an important role in reinforcing sustainability and change at societal level. To do so, there is a need for employees with process competence in sustainability, innovation and change management.
- Entrepreneur - Students will have the opportunity to work on own business ideas during the master's degree. Maybe you will continue your career path as an entrepreneur after graduating?
- Researcher - With our MSc you have the opportunity to continue your search for knowledge as a PhD Candidate. See more about the researcher education at NTNU here.
With a degree in MSc in Management of Innovation and Sustainable Business Developmeent, you will be eligible to apply for admission to a PhD programme.
In the third semester of your master's degree you will have the opportunity to do an internship course of 15 ECTS. You will work two days a week as an intern for one of our industry partners. Take a look at the InnoPraksis website to see some of the opportunities available to our students and previous students experiences as interns.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.