Master in Gestione e Controllo dell’Ambiente
Pisa, Italy
12 Months
Full time
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EUR 8,000
Nato nel 2007 come primo e unico master in Italia incentrato sul problema del ciclo dei rifiuti, il Master in Gestione E Controllo Ambiente propone da quasi trent’anni un percorso post-laurea di alto livello nel settore della sostenibilità ambientale, attraverso un continuo e accurato aggiornamento. In continua evoluzione, il Master Geca ha integrato i suoi insegnamenti affrontando il tema dell’economia circolare, in considerazione dell’Agenda 2030 per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile e muovendosi nella logica delle transizioni economiche in atto: circolarità, transizione energetica, decarbonizzazione e delle loro implicazioni geo-politiche, economiche, sociali ed ambientali.
Grazie all’impostazione interdisciplinare, alle opportunità per sviluppare capacità innovative a stretto contatto con la ricerca e con le realtà operative, alle attività di laboratori e di stage, il Master Geca forma figure professionali e manager della sostenibilità, in grado di definire e implementare strategie e strumenti di supporto a una gestione circolare ed efficiente delle risorse, con competenze specifiche sulla gestione dei rifiuti, dell’acqua, dell’energia e del capitale naturale e che possano contribuire a sostenere le imprese e le organizzazioni nella realizzazione di una economia circolare e sostenibile.
Training objectives
The Master guarantees excellent training for those who intend to operate in various capacities in sectors and activities in which the circular approach to the economy and the efficient management of resources are crucial in a perspective of environmental sustainability and integrated cycle, with particular reference to waste, water, energy and ecosystem services sectors.
The characteristics of the Master are based on an interdisciplinary approach aimed at creating skills in the management of environmental problems both with a view to the regulation and management of public network services (water, waste, energy, transport) and the management of cycles and integrated balances (of materials, water, energy).
Graduates with the Master's degree can hold managerial and professional roles in private companies operating in the industrial, financial and service sectors, as well as in public administration, with a job placement rate of over 90%.
Teaching methodology
The teaching activity is frontal, with classroom lessons and exercises, accompanied by on-site visits to institutional offices and companies in the sector. The training course also includes the analysis of case studies and the development of research projects, aiming to enhance the organizational and relational skills of the individual students included in the working groups, who will operate within the Master's laboratories. The course is completed by a series of seminars and debate meetings with experts and former students who have distinguished themselves in the sector.
At the end of each teaching module, the students will have to take an assessment to obtain the relevant training credits (CFU). The assessment (written or oral) may be individual or collective, such as the presentation of group work.
Course program
The Master's educational path includes a classroom training phase (from January to July) with frontal lessons lasting a total of 720 hours and an internship phase lasting a minimum of 480 hours (from September to December)
Classroom teaching is divided into two macro areas:
- PART 1 - “Foundations and management of resources and transitions”, which includes, in addition to the fundamentals necessary to level the basic skills of the multidisciplinary extraction classroom, the traditional focus on the efficient management of the main environmental resources, i.e. materials (which include waste, by-products, secondary raw materials), energy production and water resources.
This first section is aimed at providing all the basic skills on the integrated cycle of resources and their efficient management, highlighting the fundamental notions to tackle the next module with adequate background:
- PART 2 - “Green Management & Circular Economy”, (210 hours), provides interdisciplinary content to the various company functions involved in the management of corporate sustainability, with the aim of training managerial figures who are able to define and implement strategies in the context of challenges posed by the circular economy. Therefore, transmit skills and abilities relating to the main managerial tools - methodologies and operational tools - supporting management oriented towards circular and efficient management of resources.
During the classroom phase, the following are also expected:
- Field visits to company facilities
- Laboratory activities (between April and July), with the conduct of projects and case studies in collaboration with researchers from the Sant'Anna School and with the Master's partner companies
- Seminars
The internship phase (480 hours) takes place in the period September-December and aims to integrate classroom training with direct operational experience in companies, companies, public and/or private bodies. At the end of the internship phase, participants are required to present a project work on the activity carried out, which is discussed publicly in front of a Commission, and constitutes the final test for obtaining the title.