MA Global Challenges: Law, Policy and Practices
Swansea, United Kingdom
1 Years
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Full time
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Oct 2024
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The Hillary Rodham Clinton Global Challenges program, which is supported by Sky, aims to facilitate international cooperation to address urgent national and transnational challenges, including:
- Environmental law, with particular reference on the impact on women and children;
- Human rights and international criminal law;
- Children’s rights and protecting children online, and
- Terrorism, radicalisation and cyber security.
In partnership with Sky, this graduate scholarship initiative will develop the next generation of outstanding, forward-looking and real-world focused leaders in legal scholarship, activism and practice.
Scholarships and Funding
International Excellence Scholarships are available to both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students. Other scholarships are available, please see our website for more information including eligibility criteria and closing dates.
Year 1 (Level 7 PGT)
Compulsory Modules
- International Human Rights Law
- Advanced Legal Research
- Confronting Global Challenges
- Transforming Law and Policy
Optional Modules
- Human Rights and the Environment
- Rights and accountability: technology and law
- Crime in Cyberspace
- Online Propaganda and Radicalisation
- Human Rights Implementation
- Human Rights and Terrorism Online
- Human Rights, Asylum and Migration
- Countering Violent Extremism Online
Compulsory Modules
- Global Challenges Research Project
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
Employment Opportunities
The programis designed to significantly enhance the employability of students, enabling them to develop skills that will equip them for work across a range of sectors. The programwill support the development and ambitions of students intending to continue or undertake a career in:
- The public sector, including government at all levels: Potential careers include: civil service, regional, national and sub-national government, local authorities and other public bodies, and political and policy advice work.
- International and regional institutions: Potential careers include: the United Nations, Council of Europe, and other regional institutions.
- The private sector: Potential careers include: global business; the business sector (from large scale business such as the banking sector, to smaller concerns seeking to appeal to ethical consumers).
- The NGO sector: Potential careers include: international NGOs (e.g. UNICEF and Greenpeace); national or local NGOs.
- Research and academia: Potential careers include: policy ‘think- tanks’; and, HEIs.