UDIMA - Universidad a Distancia de Madrid
The Distance University of Madrid ( UDIMA ) is the first private online university in Spain. Recognized in Law 1/2006, of June 14, of the Community of Madrid. Together with the CEF.- Center for Financial Studies, it forms the CEF.- UDIMA Educational Group. It is the CEF.-, an institution created in 1977 and with the endorsement of more than 500,000 former students, the embryo of UDIMA .
UDIMA has obtained positive verification of the official Bachelor, Master and Doctorate study plans presented to the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) and has been authorized by the General Directorate of Universities for the implementation of the degrees; the Madrid + d Foundation being the entity in charge of monitoring them.
Its methodology is based on online training, making use of the latest information and communication technologies. In this way, it contributes to the fact that, despite the distances, the student feels accompanied by the teacher and their classmates at all times. Not surprisingly, in his dna circulates the idea of being "the closest university" to the student throughout the learning process.
The campus and main headquarters of the University is located in the Madrid town of Collado Villalba.
UDIMA , the tranquility of studying always accompanied
In accordance with the constitutive norms of its recognition by Law 1/2006, of June 14 and Decree 38/2014, of April 14, which approves the Organization and Functioning Norms (NOF) of the Distance University of Madrid ( UDIMA ), and its own Statutes, UDIMA is a private institution of higher education whose specific purposes are the following:
- Train and provide access to university education and continuity of studies to all those qualified to pursue higher studies in accordance with State legislation.
- Improve educational methods based on information and communication technologies (ICT).
- Encourage the use of ICT using the most suitable online distance learning techniques and experiences, as well as testing new educational models at the service of students and also of universities, institutions and companies with which collaboration agreements and programs are established. methodological support.
- Contribute with all the means at your fingertips to the construction of a more just, supportive, peaceful and democratic society.
- Prioritize the development of human dignity and the implementation of effective equality between women and men, particularly through the elimination of all discrimination based on sex.
In accordance with this, UDIMA wants to be recognized in the future as:
A benchmark in the quality of higher undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral training that focuses its efforts on personalized attention to the student and its follow-up to achieve our goal: " UDIMA , the nearby University."
A University characterized by the use of a «personalized methodology», by the «closeness» of the teaching staff and the «learning-by-doing» of our students.
An institution focused on the enhancement and continuous improvement of ICT-based learning methodologies.
A flexible and accessible institution to its students characterized by its own and inclusive teaching and management methodology that constantly works for and to contribute to the achievement of the learning and professional objectives of our students.
A university community that develops research of excellence, with the aim of transferring this knowledge to society and promoting the competitiveness of companies.
The values that govern the UDIMA are:
- Personalization and professionalism. It involves the provision of a personal, individualized, professional and responsible service, attending to the needs and suggestions of the university community and assuming errors and responsibilities with a desire for continuous improvement.
- Dedication and tenacity. It implies facing daily work and challenges with enthusiasm and perseverance.
- Confidence. It determines the commitment and security in the relationships between all those who form part of the university community, and from this with society.
- Effectiveness. It involves the development of training programs that allow our students to acquire the professional skills demanded by the labor market, thus contributing to increased productivity, economic development and social well-being.
- Equal opportunities. It involves the commitment to contribute to promoting a democratic society, promoter of freedom and equality, contributing especially to the training and education of those groups that for professional or personal reasons, disability or distance, have not had the opportunity to access studies university students.
A natural and future evolution of a young University
The " UDIMA Strategy" is the roadmap devised to develop the lines of action conceived as orientation and organization activities of the University. A strategic framework devised as a consequence of the natural and future evolution of a young University that wishes to improve and consolidate its existence. To this end, said strategy contains several backbones and lines of action led by the General Directorate and the University Rectoral Team.
The four backbones of the " UDIMA Strategy" are:
- Employability.
- Educational excellence.
- Talent attraction and retention.
- Internationalization