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Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes Master of Research in Psychology
Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes

Master of Research in Psychology

Aguascalientes, Mexico

2 Years


Full time

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Jul 2023

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The Master of Research in Psychology is a postgraduate program recognized for its QUALITY at the level of recent creation granted by CONACYT in the National Postgraduate Program for Quality (PNPC).

The Master's Degree seeks to develop psychologists with the necessary skills to carry out high-quality research, sensitively oriented to address local, regional, national and international problems from the psychological discipline, generating knowledge that also contributes to the advancement of science itself.

The lines that organize the research work of the professors who support the Master in Research in Psychology are:

  • Psychological development
  • Healthy and Addictive Behaviors
  • Behavior and institutions


Train researchers in the field of psychology capable of carrying out original and high-quality basic or applied research that responds to the social needs of the state entity and country through supervised training.

Graduation profile


  • Solid knowledge of a specific area and topic in the field of psychology.
  • Data collection methods adjusted to the objectives of the research protocol.
  • Quantitative and qualitative research methods.
  • Quantitative and qualitative information analysis procedures.
  • Design of research protocols applied to specific fields of psychological knowledge.


  • Analysis and critical reflection of specialized psychological texts.
  • Write academic and dissemination texts in a coherent and clear manner, respecting the publication guidelines (APA).
  • Oral-verbal expression of ideas, knowledge and results of their investigations.
  • Design, apply and evaluate research protocols for psychological phenomena, consistent with the objectives, theoretical foundation and methodology to follow that respond to social needs.
  • Effectively use different methods of collecting information.
  • Apply different research methods and techniques, qualitative and quantitative.
  • Coordination and collaboration in multidisciplinary team work.


  • Sensitivity to the complexity of current social and humanistic problems.
  • Critical and proactive attitude in the analysis of psychological problems.
  • Openness and dialogue in disciplinary and interdisciplinary teamwork.
  • Social responsibility and respect for oneself, people and their union.
  • Search for solutions to the psychological problems present in your entity.


  • Discipline.
  • Social commitment
  • Scientific rigor.
  • Cognitive humility.
  • Oral-verbal expression of ideas, knowledge and results of their evaluations and investigations.

Requirements to obtain the degree

  1. Accredit all the subjects and seminars indicated in the study plan.
  2. Obtain an overall grade point average of 8.0.
  3. Present and defend the degree work in a public degree exam and pass it within the established time. Ensuring graduation in a maximum time of 2.5 years from their entry into the program.
  4. Prepare an article derived from the thesis and submit the submission letter to a scientific journal in psychology.

About the School


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