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Universidad del Medio Ambiente

Promote a regenerative, sustainable and ethical future, accompanying agents of change, capable of promoting initiatives that transform socio-environmental systems.

How does it arise?

The dream was born 10 years ago from the concern of a group of young Mexicans who recognize the enormous importance of creating a learning space to deal with socio-environmental challenges in Latin America. Along the way, hundreds of specialists, educators, agents of change and entrepreneurs have joined in the development of an educational model that learns how we can re-design our system. The UMA has become the only university specialized in sustainability in the country and an ideal place for the development of socio-environmental projects.

What do we do?

We offer master's degrees, workshops, diplomas and consulting services focused on sustainability and socio-environmental regeneration. Our main value is having created a meeting point to accelerate learning between students, specialists and sustainability leaders. When you visit us you will have the inspiring experience of connecting with a learning community that is active in changing our world for the better.

Change agent

Upon entering a UMA master's degree, students recognize the importance of developing as agents of change, entering a process of transformation and personal enrichment that facilitates the development of initiatives and projects that seek to change the current practices of their discipline towards sustainability schemes.

At UMA we consider that the first change to pursue is that of oneself.

Read more on the institution's website

Our intention is to build a campus that shows how an architectural intervention becomes a vehicle of regeneration for its community and its watershed.

We envision a deeply aesthetic campus as appropriate to its purpose, place and function. The growth of a dense edible forest will be encouraged, within which we will find work and learning spaces. The facilities will be a protective blanket for its inhabitants in visual, acoustic, climatic and texture qualities so that they invite reflection, dialogue and learning.

There will be an interesting combination of appropriate technologies, both cutting-edge and traditional, for the management of water, energy, food, waste and other flows. The site must honor and encourage the presence and coexistence of elements beyond humans such as the sun, water, earth, wind and biodiversity. The UMA campus will be an inspiring place that allows us to imagine a regenerative and diverse future.

    At UMA we offer two types of scholarships:

    We seek to support people with high potential for change agency who are interested in studying the Master's degree, but who are in an economic situation that does not allow them to pay the full tuition fee. We have a limited number of scholarships and these are distributed to those who need it most and best meet the criteria specified below.

    Within our admission application you will find a section where you can apply for the scholarship you need (see Admission Process tab), you must indicate the type and percentage of scholarship you are looking for. If you are interested in a scholarship, keep in mind that you can get a higher percentage if you submit your application in the first round of registration.

    a) Partial scholarships: Scholarships of 10% to 20% of the cost of the Master's Degree, not including degree costs.

    b) Exchange scholarships: Scholarships from 25% to 40% of the cost of the Master's degree, not including degree costs. These scholarships are given in exchange of time to support activities of the Master's coordination or the UMA community. You can choose between different support activities, and they can be done from anywhere and at flexible hours.

    Discount for full Master's payment: 15%.

    Applies if you pay for the entire master's degree in advance.

    Discount for advance payment of one year: 10%.

    Applies if you pay a full year in advance.

    Discount for early payment of a semester: 5%.

    Applies if you pay for a full semester in advance.

    If you receive a scholarship, any of these discounts are applied to the amount payable after taking into account the percentage of scholarship awarded.

    The admission process consists of the following steps:

    • Click the “Start Your Application” button on this page and follow the instructions to complete your online application. Right there you can request a scholarship percentage if you need it.
    • Once you finish your online application, the Degree Director will contact you to have a virtual interview.
    • At the end of the interview, we will schedule a diagnostic test with which we evaluate your academic level and way of learning. This test has a cost of $500 pesos that must be covered before performing it.
    • After the interview, you will receive a response to your application. The Acceptance Letter includes all the information to make the payment of your registration by electronic transfer and to send the respective receipt. If applicable, it will include whether you were awarded any percentage of the scholarship.
    • Once registration has been completed, we will contact you to request the remaining documents and complete your registration with the Ministry of Education.
    • The Bachelor's degree has a monthly cost of $15,000 that is paid over 48 monthly payments. The registration cost is $12,000 pesos, which is paid only once.
    • The UMA can grant a percentage of scholarship to students who need it, depending on the socioeconomic study being carried out. Submit your application as soon as possible to access the scholarship fund.

    The UMA considered one of the cases of Educational Innovation in Mexico

    • The Universidad del Medio Ambiente and the UMA High School were recognized by Ashoka as one of the organizations that embody the spirit of innovation in the educational sector.

    Win Win Award

    • Best Case for University Social Responsibility

    Acknowledgment prize Holcim

    • 2014 Campus Team

    Quorum Award

    • 2013 Victoria Haro & Federico Llamas

    The Latin American Quality Institute

    • 2013 CIAMA

    Quo & Discovery Minds Award

    • 2011 Victoria Haro

    • Valle de Bravo

      Camino al Castellano #4 San Mateo Acatitlán, Valle de Bravo, Mexico, 51200, Valle de Bravo

    Universidad del Medio Ambiente