Master in Business Consulting
Bucharest, Romania
2 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Sep 2025
Request tuition fees
What does a business consultant do in everyday life?
The profession of consultant is a relatively new profession in Romania, which implies a liberal activity, ie a profession requiring specific knowledge, highly professional training, practiced in a responsible and independently professional manner by those who provide intellectual services and / or creation, in the interest of clients and third parties.
A consultant's everyday activities are complex and varied. Consultancy is basically inclined towards entrepreneurship and is largely based on projects. The size of projects may vary depending on the type of consultancy, company, and customer requests. Projects can also be made individually or in a team and can be deployed in different locations, both nationally and internationally.
The consultancy includes activities such as:
- Performing research and data collections
- Carrying out organizational analyzes
- Communication with employees, management team, and others - Carriers of customer business responsibilities - to identify issues that need to be addressed
- Formulation of hypotheses and implementation of recommendations / solutions
- Provide assistance to implement recommendations / solutions
- Training and workshops
- Preparing business plans and presenting them to customers
- Project and program management
- Lead and coordinate team members, including analysts
- Leadership in customer relations
This wide range of skills and competences developed during the Master's program will allow you to apply your knowledge in diverse environments such as:
- Business consultancy firms,
- Business training firms,
- Multinational companies,
- Small and medium enterprises,
- Non-governmental organizations,
- Public institutions, etc.
Why this masters program and not another?
Thanks to the innovative features it introduces:
The Business Consulting Masters Program is designed so that students can work in team project classes. Each year of study is divided into 8-10 such teams, each team having 5-6 members and a manager / coordinator. We want to cultivate an open, constructive, performance-oriented attitude within the college of students through a program that encourages student initiative. Their evaluation will be based on the individual contribution and analyzing each member's contribution to the level of the team in which they evolve.
Teachers and consultants want to share their knowledge in the field through case studies that present current realities and connect you to the labor market. Thus, depending on the needs of each group of students, they will identify areas that require particular attention. Permanent business specialists are invited to help increase the value of the course and facilitate the setting of information for students. At present, the program benefits from the participation of consulting practitioners such as: Doru Curteanu (Gemba Consult), Constantin Turmac (Compass Consulting), Renaldo Niţă (Dynamis Brand Consulting).
If until now the networking concept was strange, we demonstrate the importance of a communication network that brings together students, professors, consultants and business practitioners, who aim to implement a high standard of excellence on the Romanian market. Within this network, you will be connected with colleagues who will be able to become future collaborators, facilitating open communication and sharing of experience.
You can also contribute as a student, then consultant, to the development of the network and you can be part of it as a student at Business Consulting. You will learn to have an initiative and develop contexts. Between contextual creators and those who evolve in contexts created by others there is a distance that must be traveled. The Master will invite you to eliminate the inertia of your life and to act independently, but when necessary, it will also teach you to work in a team. The partnerships we have concluded with Romanian consultancy firms have demonstrated that a network involving teachers, students, consultants, business people is necessary for personal education, but also for educating members of a company. This network will require it to be strengthened because from the developer to the developer there is a distance that needs to be traced using the experiences of everyone who is or will be involved in the development of this system. This Master will develop in close connection with other concepts and systems launched within the FAA: SPHERAA (Educational Sphere), Romanian High School Partnerships Network, AERS Scientific Circle (Business, Ethics and Social Responsibility), CSOLUB Scientific Center organizational and leadership strategies of the University of Bucharest). Because we are an open system, we expect from you suggestions for improving the masters program, starting from your previous experiences or your visions.
Because the first series of graduates has completed the studies, a database of students and alumni has also been created. Starting from this, it is expected that two business consulting masters (Business Consulting and Business Consulting) will create a Business Consulting Club where periodically teachers, students and consultants will meet to discuss topics of interest. The co-ordinators of the two Business Consulting Masters programs will contact large universities around the world who have completed similar masters programs to create an international network of these programs. Thus, the conditions for the exchanges of teachers and students will be defined at the level of these masters.
The Master's degree program is organized according to the criteria, standards and performance indicators established by the methodology of the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance (ARACIS). The program is fully in line with the requirements of the Bologna Process and will run for four semesters, providing the professional training, theoretical knowledge and the skills needed to fully integrate graduates into the business environment. The program represents the second cycle of university studies, ensuring deepening in the field of business administration. It has a dynamic character through continued harmonization with master programs in countries with a tradition in the field and by promoting partnerships with faculty in Europe.
Graduates of the master program will acquire:
General skills, communication and relationship
- ability to consistently present business-specific issues;
- the ability to analyze and synthesize well-established models of consulting and business, offering interpretations specific to economic and business phenomena;
- the ability to think creatively, to act independently and to work in a team;
- the ability to link activities in interdisciplinary fields;
- the ability to identify solutions to problems arising from consultancy programs.
Cognitive and practical skills
- ability to critically assess business contexts and propose measures to streamline business activities;
- the ability to build working hypotheses to help find solutions to the problems identified in the consultancy programs;
- ability to identify issues at organizational level and provide solutions;
- communication and negotiation skills;
- the ability to use the computer in business processes;
- the ability to develop a well-grounded and innovative scientific work.
Skills and skills
- the ability to use economic knowledge and capabilities developed in consulting firms, multinational companies, small and medium-sized businesses;
- the ability to evaluate business contexts and provide effective advice;
- the ability to develop and implement consultancy programs appropriate to the interests and needs of companies or other types of organization;
- cultivating an open, constructive and performance-oriented attitude.
This program gives you the opportunity to highlight your accumulations during the license program period, creating contexts that make surprising connections to other domains. From the perspective of this masters program, it matters not only how we see reality but also the original solutions that we have to find in the problems that it causes.
The Faculty of Administration and Business within which the Business Consulting program is developed has the chance to collaborate at the University level with faculties such as: Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy, Mathematics, Communication.
The Course of Creative Methods and Techniques in Consultancy offers the opportunity to establish the balance between rigor and innovation at the level of consultancy teams.
The stakeholder analysis that we made in 2008 showed us the usefulness of such a mastership in the Romanian academic environment. Master's graduates will be active not only in the field of business consultancy, but also in fields that are generally related to economic activity. The interpretation of economic reality should not be specific only to consultants, but also to decision-makers at the level of companies, public institutions and NGOs.
Business consultancy - English ( CA EN )
Are you an economical or social student?
Do you want to develop a career in business consulting?
Do you want to become a better manager for your own business?
Do you want to focus on the practical side and learn from specialists in the field?
Then the answer to your aspirations is the Business Consulting master's program, the only project of this kind in Romania, whose study plan is made in collaboration with professionals in the field.
This curriculum addresses the vast field of business administration, starting from the need for specialist consultants within companies on the Romanian market, and includes disciplines such as:
Semester I
- Business Law (Raluca Papadima)
- IT for Business Consulting (Olteanu Cosmin)
- Operational Management (Camelia Cojocaru)
- Business Competition and Marketing Strategies (Colin Lovering)
Semester II
- Business Strategy and Models (Sorin-George Toma)
- Intercultural Communication & Negotiation (Anca Anton)
- Business Simulations (Eric Eisenstat)
- Controlling and Financial Analysis (Camelia Cojocaru)
- Contemporary Issues in Management (Valeriu Nistor)
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.