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University Of Dalat

Dalat University, initially established as The University Institute of Dalat in 1958, is now a state-owned educational institution. It is a multi-disciplinary university with more than 12,000 students.

At present, Dalat University offers over 33 undergraduate programs and 14 postgraduate programs, including 8 Master programs and 6 PhD programs.

Dalat University is the 124th member of the CDIO organization. In 2017, the journal of science published by Dalat University was officially listed in the Asian citation index (ACI). Dalat University has a strong relationship with 81 educational institutions and organization in the world, including Boston Global Forum, San Jose University, Hanyang University, etc.

The University is located in the center of the city of Dalat - a popular tourist city on Lam Vien Plateau with a year-round cool climate, endless pine forests, flowers, fog, and waterfalls.

The university is quite fully-equipped with modern equipment for the task of learning, teaching and researching.

The university campus sits on a hilly area of 40 hectares north of Xuan Huong Lake, next to an international 18-hole golf course. The campus is also one of the most romantic and beautiful spots in Dalat. There is a variety of buildings with unique architecture hidden throughout the pine trees. The campus offers peace and quietness which is an ideal atmosphere for learning and doing research.

  • Dalat

    Đường P. Đ Thiên Vương,1, , Dalat

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      University Of Dalat