MSc in Real Estate Studies (RICS accredited)
1 Years
Full time
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EUR 20,800 / per year *
* for Non-EU|for EU/EEA EUR 2,530
Do you want to understand how real estate markets function? The University of Groningen's Master of Science in Real Estate Studies offers a unique one-year educational program in real estate to prepare you to become a leader in the real estate industry.
Real Estate Studies is a selective master. See more about the procedure under 'Admission and Application'.
Real estate markets have become global, making the real estate profession an international enterprise. At the same time, global and commercial brokers report major differences among local real estate markets. That urges real estate professionals who are trained in integrating financial, economic, and geographic skills with knowledge of local institutions.
The Department of Economic Geography at UG is home to one of the leading Real Estate Centres in Continental Europe. It offers a unique one-year Master's program that will enable you to understand the fundamentals of real estate markets by investigating every field that impacts the real estate industry (e.g. finance, land economics, planning, construction, development, management, law). This gives the program a multidisciplinary character. This allows us to provide you with research-based expertise to solve complex problems in contemporary real estate. This Master's program is accredited by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.
We seek focused, committed applicants who recently finished their bachelor's program and want to apply their intellectual gifts to contribute to the real estate industry. You will be joining a diverse group of students and professionals who all share a passion for scientific rigor applied to solve complex problems in real estate and other fields that impact the real estate industry.
As a result of our many years of experience, our graduates work as developers, consultants, financiers, local policymakers, real estate valuers, real estate managers, etcetera, throughout the domestic and international real estate industry, holding positions of leadership in the real estate industry worldwide.
If you are looking to do a two-year program and are interested in doing research, you can combine the Master in Real Estate Studies with our top-rated Research Master in Spatial Sciences
Why study this program in Groningen?
- The Master of Science in Real Estate Studies is the most multidisciplinary research-based graduate degree in real estate in Continental Europe
- The strength of the program lies in the multidisciplinary focus and the cooperation between the faculties of spatial sciences, economics, and law
- The program is accredited by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
- There is an open atmosphere and it is easy to contact other students and lecturers.
- Groningen – a beautiful historic city
The program of the master in Real Estate Studies is related to the major research sub-disciplines in spatial sciences. Interim results of the research projects are integrated into the course
Research in geography & planning focuses on the interrelationship between property and spatial environment. Geographical and planning literature provides insight into how location decisions are made and the role of institutions. These aspects are reflected in courses like 'property and land markets' or 'real estate development'. The research in economic geography focuses on a deeper understanding of the choice of locations. This choice is based on economic and financial motives. In the research in real estate development, the interests of various economic actors are important; the landowner, the developer, the builder, the investor, and the owner/user. The spatial economic and financial-economic research provides insight into the considerations. The business and management-oriented studies contribute to understanding the value chain and processes in real estate development. These aspects are reflected in subjects like 'finance', 'property investment', and 'property development'.
One-year intensive Master program UG's Master of Science in Real Estate Studies (MSc. RES) offers a unique one-year intensive educational program in real estate to prepare you to become a leader in the real estate industry.
UG's MSc. RES offers 10 ECTS in optional courses where you are able to specialize in your field of interest (e.g. finance, economics, geography, planning, management, law).
Students have an option to pursue internships or other opportunities. However, there is little room in our program for intensive 3 or 6-month internships as the program is only one year. Therefore, we highly encourage our students to combine an internship with thesis writing at a renowned firm in the field of real estate or other related fields that impact the real estate industry. Students who want to pursue intensive internships during the Master's program without combining it with thesis writing extend their program, on average, by 6 months. Students also have an option to study abroad, but the same dilemmas often arise if one cannot combine it with thesis writing.
- Finance for Real Estate (5 EC)
- Optional course (5 EC)
- Real Estate and Land Supply (5 EC)
- International Real Estate Markets (5 EC)
- Real Estate Investment (5 EC)
- Master's Thesis Real Estate Studies (20 EC)
- Optional course (5 EC)
- Real Estate Research (5 EC)
- Real Estate Development (5 EC)
Study abroad
- Study abroad is optional
Career Opportunities
Job prospects
Many graduates find jobs as market researchers or real estate consultants in a company, consultancy, or government agency, or become a concept or property developer at a real estate investor. Graduate students find work as a research manager or portfolio manager at a real estate investor. Several people opt for an academic career at the university. In practice, graduates mostly do policy work, both in the private sector as well as at the local, regional and national government.
During the program at the University of Groningen, we offer support for your career preparation.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.