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Universitas Padjadjaran

In providing education as required by laws and regulations, Unpad establishes the Basic Scientific Pattern (PIP) “Development of Law and Environment in National Development”. The values ​​contained in the PIP are the basis for strengthening Unpad's Vision and become a guide for the academic community in achieving Unpad's Vision and Mission.

Unpad's vision in the 2020-2024 Strategic Plan is "Achieving a World Reputable University and Impacting the Society" which is based on the Principal Scientific Pattern of "Development of Law and Environment Noble". A world reputation is needed for the sustainability of Unpad's existence at the international level in ensuring the quality of the tridharma of higher education.

  • Bandung

    jl. Dipati Ukur no. 35, 40132, Bandung



    Universitas Padjadjaran