w.academy is a business school that offers to students, managers, and companies a series of tailored study services based on target goals. Our Masters and Executive Masters are held both inside a physical room or in live streaming. In this way, you can take part in our lessons even without leaving your office or your house.
w.academy has rented the Sida Academy branch specialized in Master and Executive Master which in the near future it will integrate the w.academy platform with modalities, approaches, products, and solutions of a Business School.
Our mission is to give to students, managers, companies, and public institutions a full service of educational activities like continuing education and specialization, Executive Masters, University Masters, and Full Masters.
Classes are held in different ways: from physical classes to live streaming, from tutoring to coaching using the best teaching methods like role-playing, flipped classroom, cooperative learning, peer education, and the use of labs.
The value added is gained thanks to a blended and structured study, a digital study customized around our students.
Sida Group
For over 30 years, Sida Group has offered managerial consulting services to companies and institutions. Sida Group supports the management in all its phases starting from the strategic ones like finance and control, human resources, an organization to M&A and internationalization.
An innovative PMI quoted on AIM Italia, Websolute is one of the most important Italian digital companies in communication, digital technology, and digital marketing and commerce area.