44 programs in Mexico
- MSc
- Mexico
44 programs in Mexico
Tecnológico de Monterrey - ITESM
Master of Science with a specialty in Manufacturing Systems
- Monterrey, Mexico
- Online Mexico
Full time
2 years
Research in new manufacturing processes and product innovation require scientists and technologists capable of solving complex problems and proposing disruptive solutions in different areas of knowledge. By studying the Master of Science with a specialty in Manufacturing Systems, students participate in inspiring projects that provide them with the competencies to successfully meet these and other challenges of next-generation manufacturing.
Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua
Master in Animal Production and Natural Resources
- Chihuahua, Mexico
Full time
4 months
The program is focused on the comprehensive training of human resources at the postgraduate level, who, by becoming involved in knowledge generation, validation and/or transfer activities, as well as professional training, respond with innovative and knowledge-based proposals to the demands for a solution to the problem of animal production systems, the sustainable use and exploitation of natural resources in Chihuahua, in Mexico and even beyond its borders.
Master of Engineering in Systems and Intelligent Computing
- Puebla City, Mexico
This program is aimed at graduates of careers related to: Computing, Informatics, Computer Systems, Information Technologies, among others; interested in developing innovative technological projects and applied research in areas related to data science, artificial intelligence, internet of things, software systems and computer vision.
Universidad Autonoma De Guerrero
Master of Science in Epidemiology (MCE)
- Chilpancingo, Mexico
Receive our warmest welcome to the website of the Master of Science in Epidemiology (MCE) of the Center for Research of Tropical Diseases (CIET) of the Autonomous University of Guerrero, a program incorporated into the National Register of Quality Postgraduate Programs of CONACYT. The Master of Science in Epidemiology aims to train highly trained human resources for the design and evaluation of applied research to priority public health problems of the State, the region and the country. We hope that our visitors can easily access the program information.
Universidad Ítaca
Online Master of Science in Education
- Mexico City, Mexico
Full time, Part time
2 years
Distance Learning
Study a Master's Degree in Education Sciences online and improve educational processes at a theoretical, pedagogical and administrative level; creates projects capable of responding to the quality needs in schools and contributes to the national educational quality.v
Epics Visual Effects School
Master of Science in Communication
- Zapopan, Mexico
Turn Lessons Into Leverage. Get Real Career Results. Turn the skills you’ve developed in the classroom into real-world results for your career. Our External Programs, Internships, and Career Services (EPICS) department help you design your ideal career path and take action to make it real.
Engineering and Industrial Development Centre (Centro de Ingeniería y Desarrollo Industrial (CIDESI))
Master of Science in Product Design and Innovation (MDIP)
- Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico
The Center for Engineering and Industrial Development (CIDESI) offers the postgraduate Master of Science in Product Design and Innovation (MDIP), in order to increase the competitiveness of Mexican industry and encourage a culture of entrepreneurship.
Master of Sciences in the Specialty of Genetics and Molecular Biology
- Mexico City, Mexico
To train personnel capable of teaching theoretical-practical courses at the bachelor's level in the field of Genetics and Molecular Biology, as well as participating effectively in carrying out scientific research work. Prepare students who are interested in continuing towards a career in scientific or technological research within a doctoral program in Genetics and Molecular Biology or in a field related to it.
Centre of Research and Postgraduate Studies of Veracruz (Centro Veracruzano de Investigación y Posgrado)
- Xalapa-Enríquez, Mexico
Train professionals capable of implementing solutions aimed at the prevention, reduction, and control of problems in educational institutions of basic, upper, and higher levels in the areas of school administration and management, new technologies applied to education, educational research, and to the teaching exercise.
Centre for Specialization in Development and Education (Centro de Especialidades en Desarrollo y Educación)
Master of Play Therapy
- Chihuahua, Mexico
The affective and relational life in the human being becomes a cornerstone for success in any area in which they develop professionally or socially. The family environment in which children develop from the moment of their conception will leave a mark on the process of becoming a person, since all the stimuli that are received or not received, will determine the type of being human who will become. The great pressures we face in today's world lead us to forget that life is a formidable experience from which we do not always know how to extract all its richness. One of the essential characteristics of the human being is its projective aspect, that is, the ability to carry out projects. And, not only that but essentially, the ability to make a project of your own life. It is not easy to organize our life. On the one hand, the dead weight of routine and comfort leads to ritual and almost mechanical repetitions and, on the other, a certain apathy and conformism induces us to passivity and diverts us from such healthy perspectives as using our imagination and developing our ideas. creative abilities. Through play, children test the world and learn about it. Therefore, play is essential for healthy development. For children, play is a serious matter and has a specific purpose through which they develop mentally, physically, and socially. Play is the child's form of self-therapy, through which confusions, anxieties, and conflicts are often brought to the fore. Through the safety of play, children can test their new ways of being. The play represents a vital function for the child. It is much more than the frivolous, carefree, and enjoyable activity that adults generally consider. Play (also) serves as a symbolic language. Children experience much of what they cannot yet express in language and therefore use play to formulate and assimilate what they experience. The game well used serves specialists as an indispensable tool that allows to better know the child, it is a fundamental element of the teaching-learning process and above all, it represents evolution, adaptation, and self-affirmation of the child. Play can reduce frightening and traumatic events, relieving anxiety and tension. The game is usually a tool to learn to evaluate social interaction, to learn to address different emotional responses and personal feelings. Well-planned play tends to increase the child's willingness to get involved, and in turn, be more prepared for new endeavors. The child communicates playing, therefore, it is necessary to speak in their language Through play, the child moves away from the real world and can understand that world other than his own: the world of the "adult", which in turn will shape his own personality. Hence the fundamental importance of children's play, a child who has played in an appropriate way will be an adult who integrates constructively and creatively to their reality. Through play, the child approves himself physically and mentally, and this allows him to gain autonomy and affirm himself. Play is essential for human beings regardless of their age, since the changes and processes that the child makes possible continue to be valid norms for the young and the adult, even for the elderly.
Centre for Scientific Research and Higher Education of Ensenada (Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada (CICESE))
Master of Science in Nanoscience
- México, Mexico
The Master of Science in Nanoscience Program is an inter-institutional program, the result of a collaboration between CICESE and UNAM. It is a flexible and dynamic plan that is related to the tutors' research lines and is adapted to the academic background and interests of the students. This scheme allows the student to take courses from other postgraduate courses when they are included in their personal study plan and are approved by the Council for the Graduate Program in Nanosciences (CPP). The master's program consists of a minimum of 54 credits in courses and the development of a research project that must be reported in a thesis and defended before a committee. Of the total credits of the study plan, 12 correspond to compulsory courses, 42 credits (as a minimum) in elective courses divided into basic courses (24 credits minimum) and advanced courses (18 credits minimum). The estimated study time is 6 semesters. During the first three semesters, the student must complete 54 credits in courses, according to the study plan. Some courses have prerequisites, so it is important that the student and their academic advisor plan their curriculum taking these aspects into consideration.
Centre for Research and Technological Development in Electrochemistry (Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico en Electroquímica, S.C. (CIDETEQ))
Master in Electrochemistry
- Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico
The postgraduate program in Electrochemistry arises as a response to the challenge facing the country, to prepare professionals capable of adapting and generating fundamental technology and knowledge in the different fields of electrochemistry. By having the objective of the master's program in electrochemistry to provide students with advanced knowledge in Electrochemistry and basic training to develop research projects in both academic and industrial fields on topics related to Electrochemistry, focused on solving environmental problems, development of non-renewable energies, devices and materials in the health area, with benefits for society, it is necessary that applicants have as bases the following aptitudes and abilities: General knowledge in Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics Responsibility, taste, and commitment to research Comprehension of texts in English Creative and logical thinking The ability for effective oral and written communication Ability to analyze data and solve problems Critical and methodological capacity Analysis capacity Social, interpersonal, and authority empathy Interest and taste for scientific research
Centre for Human Development and Gestalt Psychotherapy (Centro de Desarrollo Humano y Psicoterapia Gestalt)
Master in Gestalt Psychotherapy
- Oaxaca, Mexico
Our goal in the training of psychotherapists in the master in Gestalt psychotherapy is to give them those tools and knowledge necessary through their own personal growth, to develop the ability to accompany others in their internal processes in a warm and effective way. We are proudly the only institution nationwide that exclusively trains psychologists as Masters in Gestalt Psychotherapy.
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (Iztapalapa)
Master in Experimental Biology
- Mexico City, Mexico
goals Train high-level human resources in theoretical aspects and. practical research in Experimental Biology, through their training for the formulation, analysis, and discussion of problems to be investigated in the area, as well as for the exercise of methods and techniques of experimentation leading to a degree of specialization.
Autonomous University of Coahuila (Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila (UAdeC))
MS In Mechanical Metal Engineer
- Saltillo, Mexico
To train high-level human capital that encourages innovation in production processes in the metalworking industry of the region. Strengthen the collaboration in research, technological development, and innovation between the Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and the metal mechanic sector of the north-central region of the state of Coahuila. Increase the country's capacity for innovation and consolidate intellectual capital in companies in the metal-mechanical industry. Optimize the joint use of the infrastructure and talent of the North Unit FIME and the companies served by the program for the development of innovation projects and technology transfer in the metal-mechanical sector. Develop in the students the prospective analysis that they make synergy with investors and administrative personnel for the creation of SMEs in the metal mechanic area that promotes the economic development of the region.
Popular degree type
Popular study format
MSc Programs in Mexico
Mexico, officially the United Mexican States, is a federal constitutional republic in North America. Working may require a work visa, which is difficult to get if you just want to freelance for a short time. Most of the government funded universities on mayor cities (state capital) have short courses on history, gastronomy and cultural subjects, most of them are almost free.
A Master of Science or MSc is a postgraduate degree typically in the fields of sciences and social sciences. MSc may be course-based, research-based, or a mixture of the two.