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CES University

CES University

CES University


The CES University are autonomous, private, non-denominational, non-profit, seeking the training of undergraduate and graduate professionals in all areas of knowledge, with the highest human, ethical and scientific qualities.

Founded on July 5, 1977, excellence has been the permanent challenge of the Institutional Educational Project -PEI-, seeking to innovate in the training of human resources, advancing in the internationalization of the institution and developing the virtual component of its educational proposal, with the purpose that the professional practice of our graduates is recognized not only nationally but internationally.

In 2007 we received from the Ministry of National Education of Colombia –MEN–, resolution 1371 of March 22, which endorses us as a university. The change of academic character from university institution to university responds to a desire and a decision of the entire academic community, embodied in the 2000-2010 development plan.

Continuing with our commitment to excellence, in 2014 we received by postage from the MEN the Accreditation as a High-Quality University, which was renewed through Resolution 013602 of December 9, 2019, with a validity of6 years.


  • Medellín

    Calle 10a,22 - 04, 050021, Medellín
